Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher Microsoft surface authorized reseller

Certified Data Erasure - Storage Media Destruction

Ensure the secure deletion or destruction of data on your decommissioned IT equipment

Data breaches in today's business environments are very common and can cause significant problems for your business.

At Alfanet, having identified this problem that concerns modern businesses, we provide a set of integrated solutions for the safe deletion or destruction of your storage media.

More specifically, we use certified standards and approved methods for the most complete handling, management, deletion, and destruction of data. Our company has achieved its certification from ADISA. The British organization that is the only internationally recognized certification body in safety standards and handling of used IT equipment that guarantees the safety and data management of the previous user.

See below Alfanet's specialized and certified solutions in the field of data deletion and destruction

Alfanet's data deletion and destruction solutions

Certified Blancco erasing tools

If you need to permanently remove data from desktop computers or hard drives, Blancco provides data deletion solutions that are effective, cost-effective, and certified by leading agencies and government organizations.

Blancco is the world leader in securely erasing sensitive data and its tools are globally certified!

Alfanet, as the exclusive partner of Blancco in Greece, offers a range of services and solutions for the guaranteed deletion of your confidential and personal data. Blancco tools include methods such as HMG infosec, Peter Gutmann's Algorithm, DoD 5220 22-M, Bruce Schneier's Algorithm, NAVSO P-5239, NCSC-TG-025, Air Force System Security, US Army AR380-19, BSI-Method, OPNAVIST 5239. 1A, NSA, NIST 800-8

When the certified deletion of the storage media is not considered sufficient, then the destruction of the storage media is deemed necessary.

Check out Alfanet's certified storage media shredders!

Media Degaussing - VS Datagone

The No 1 HDD and Backup Tape degaussing tool. Datagone provides the ability to destroy disks (also on-site if the customer wishes) at a speed of up to 200 disks per hour.

It produces a strong magnetic field and in less than a second it completely destroys data from hard drives and backup tapes. It is ideal for businesses where security is of utmost importance.

Alfanet's hard drive degaussing tools comply with EU and government compliance standards such as:

PD-4 Destroyer

PD-4 physically destroys hard drives by bending, breaking, and distorting the hard drive and its internal components, including the data platters.

Using a robust crushing wedge, the PD-4 bends the data disks, preventing, with the destruction it causes, laboratory data recovery techniques. PD-4 also breaks the hard drive casing, PC board, and read-write heads. It is ideal for use after the previous technique (Degaussing) and ensures complete destruction of the hard drive.

PD-4 meets all requirements of California Senate Bill 1386, DOD Emergency Destruction Guidelines, GDPR, GLBA, HIPAA, NIST SP 800-88r1, NSA/CSS SDDM 9-12, PCI DSS 3.2 and PIPEDA

Ulster Shredder U-45

U-45 provides one of the most effective solutions to the problem of destroying confidential documents and media by physically destroying the disks.

Our Ulster Shredder machine, for our storage media shredding services, is ADISA-approved. The world's leading certification body for data destruction services and products.

See the certification of the U-45 by ADISA here

The use of the above data destruction methods is carried out in the context of the withdrawal of decommissioned IT equipment of your business and if the customer deems it necessary.

*Decommissioned IT equipment removal service only applies to businesses and not private individuals.

Do you want to save money on your old IT equipment?

Request us to call you and one of our capable representatives will contact you as soon as possible!

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Our Certifications
Why we Stand out
Microsoft authorized refurbisher
Microsoft surface authorized reseller
ADISA Accredited Pass
ISO 27001
ISO 14001
ISO 9001

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